Tuesday, January 14, 2014

First Post ^.^

I always say I'm going to start a daily blog, but I never do because I get lazy and procrastinate. A lot. But now I shall delve into my life (which is pretty boring) and tell you about the stuff that I like and enjoy doing. These will try to be daily, a place where I will ponder my life and the day I had :3 So without further ado, here's what I did today: I took my AP European History Final and napped. Interesting, right? My exam was absolutely terrible, and I made a 49% on the multiple choice... Let's not even start on the FRQ and DBQ (sweet lord it was rough). After the exam, I received a "Jonesey Award" for Class Pet and Not Cursing at People During a Class Project. I'm a bit hesitant on the class pet, but I do take pride in not telling everyone off during the class ;3 I went home, played Skyrim and ate grilled cheese and tomato soup. Then I took a two hour nap, played more Skyrim and ate tacos. Now I am blogging, whoo ^.^ My day was pretty boring, but I am super sick with a terrible cough and runny nose :( Hopefully I feel better tomorrow, because I have to run the mile in gym D: Ugh fml.